Onder leiding van my vriendelike Couchsurfing gaspaar, sien ek een Sondagoggend in April meer van Gozo as wat ek ooit kon droom.
Eerste aan die beurt in "Fungus Rock" in Dwerjabaai...
Fungus Rock Description & history
A fungus, Fungus Gaulitanus, which grows on the rock had medicinal qualities and this fungus was used by the Knights of St. John.
They valued the fungus so much that they guarded the island. A penalty of death was imposed on any one trying to steal the fungus.
Because the cliffs of the island are shear and high, the knights erected a man carrying hoist system between the island and the land, to facilitate the collection of the fungus
The locals call Fungus Rock Il-Gebla tal-General, which means General's Rock Bron: Malta-info
Daarna besoek ons die Asuur venster ... en langsaan (foto, tweede onder) nog 'n geologiese wonder, die "blou gat" of binnelandse see...
The window is a towering rock formation reaching 328 feet high with a precarious table structure that makes it popular for cliff divers. Yet below is another wonder with a collapsed underwater limestone cave known as the Blue Hole. It's accessed by divers through a 262-foot tunnel, and underwater you can find a beautiful array of marine life including octopi, fire worms, and sea horses. Unfortunately, the Azure Window is wearing down. In April of 2012, it got a little wider when part of it broke off. But there's apparently already a plan if the worst happens, and upon its collapse it will be rechristened the Azure Pinnacle.
... en dan na Ta Pinu Basilika... die kerk in die veld met 'n interessante (Katolieke) storie... gaan na: http://www.marypages.com/OurLadyofTaPinu.htm
Op die klein eiland is niks 'n dagreis ver nie... en hieronder is ons by die soutpanne... daar is 'n verduidelikende video op YouTube as my leser meer wil weet.

en dan na Ramlabaai en die grot van Calypso
stap deur Calypso se grot (This site is thought to be the same cave Homer mentioned in `The Odyssey' where Calypso, the beautiful nymph, kept Odysseus as a `prisoner of love' for seven years. .)...
dan wag die tenoorgestelde uitsig op Ramlabaai jou...
Dan ry ons na Victoria waar ek op my eie kan verken...
maar eers stop ons om 'n lukwart te eet in Gordon se pa se deel van 'n gemeenskapstuin buite die stad...
Rustig in 'n stil straatjie in 'n woonbuurt naby die Citadella