Net ongeveer 12 km van Tblisi le die ou hoofstad, Mtsketa. Belaglig toeristies, soveel so dat daar 'n nuwe markperseel aangele is.
Kia geniet vars vrugteslaai
Een van hoof besienswaardighede is die 7de eeuse monnikeklooster, Jvari. Vandaar het die besoeker 'n uitsig oor die twee riviere wat mekaar ontmoet...die Mtkvari en Aragvi.
Uitsig vanuit die kerk
bron BBC: Georgia isn't called Georgia .... At least, not by Georgians. They call their country Sakartvelo. The origins of the country's name in English are obscure. One theory points to the Middle Ages when Christian crusaders swept through the region on their way to the Holy Land.
At that time, it was part of the Persian Empire and the people here were known as "Gurj". They were also devotees of St George. Theory has it that the crusaders made the connection and named the country Georgia.
These days, there's no mistaking the link to St George. A golden statue of the saint slaying a dragon dominates Tbilisi's central square. He is also Georgia's patron saint and the national flag featuring his red cross on a white background is everywhere.
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