My heel eerste oorsese trip was in Julie 1977 met SAL na Rome en vandaar met Alitalia na Athene. Die hitte was versengend en ek was alleen met my tekkies, stadskaart en rugsak.
Alles was verstommend anders: van die alfabet tot die verkeer, maar Akropolis toe moes ek.
Die Parthenon: my eerste kennismaking met 'n Griekse tempel
Soms het ek duiselig gevoel daar tussen die klippe en geskiedenis en gister het ek dit herleef toe ek die restourant binnestap en die groot kitch afbeelding van die mees bekendste Griekse tempel sien. Volgens die eienaar (op die foto) het hy dit ge-erf by sy Griekse vriend wat die Big Time-restourant in St Francisbaai bedryf het.
'n Coke-Akropolis! Al iets leliker gesien? |
Baklava in phyllodeeg gerol - met Italiaanse roomys nogal! |
Griekse koffie, gemaak in 'n koper-briki en halfsoet bedien |
Meer oor die argeologiese oorblyfsels:
The entrance to the Acropolis was a monumental gateway called the Propylaea. To the south of the entrance is the tiny Temple of Athena Nike. At the centre of the Acropolis is the Parthenon or Temple of Athena Parthenos (Athena the Virgin). East of the entrance and north of the Parthenon is the temple known as the Erechtheum. South of the platform that forms the top of the Acropolis there are also the remains of an outdoor theatre called Theatre of Dionysus. A few hundred metres away, there is the now partially reconstructedTheatre of Herodes Atticus.
All the valuable ancient artifacts are situated in the Acropolis Museum, which resides on the southern slope of the same rock, 280 metres from the Parthenon. (bron: Wiki)
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